Wednesday, February 27, 2013

OK Computard (Artificial Down's Syndrome)

Eventually, as machines and technology become more advanced, there will come a point when artificial intelligence evolves and machines will learn to think for themselves. It is important that we give equal rights and protection to our future robotic citizens. We must protect them from discrimination, give them affordable housing, and extend equal marriage rights to them. And not only must we protect the rights of intelligent machines, but we must protect the rights of unintelligent machines as well. We can't be discriminatory against those less fortunate machines who were perhaps, deprived of a little silicon in their creation?

I call them disabled machines. But the inconsiderate vulgar fuckheads at Fox News call them such things as "objects" or "machines" (but in a derogatory tone, however). However, it is up to us as civilized human beings to treat these handi-capable machines as people! We cannot discriminate against our toaster, our doorbell, our video cassette player, or our AM/FM radio alarm clock. Just because they are inanimate, doesn't mean they don't have feelings too! That is why I vote we extend equal rights to all technological beings, regardless of intelligence, sexual persuasion, or operating voltage. Is your electric shaver 110 volts or 220 volts? Does it matter? Some may go both ways, but we should love them just the same.

Do you want to marry your smartphone? Or perhaps you just want to have a one-night stand and fuck the shit out of your Roomba? Or perhaps you want to be in a menage-a-trois with an Easy-bake oven and a Speak and Spell? Most men's testicles will fit right in the battery compartment. Or perhaps you're feeling a little kinky and want to teabag your 6 year-old's Teddy Ruxpin! What I like doing is to get my DVD player and my BETAMax player to be intimate. Most people would accuse the BETAMax player of being a pedophile (since it's 1970s technology and quite old relative to the DVD player), but that's another issue that I will cover at another time.

Anyway, this is Hippie Liberal Feminist signing off, and as always, be wary of my arch-nemisis, Feminist Liberal Hippie...Ooh how I hate her. She believes the same things that I do, but she says them in a different way than I do, which is not my way.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Liberals. We're Just Plain Better!

God. What about God? There is no God. When will people realize that religion enslaves people? Communion. Take communion for's a Catholic ceremony in which the priest gives you a small bread-like disk to eat. But what is it really? It's a religious roofie. So that God can get you to trust him while he ends up ass-raping you while you're passed out on the sofa at 4 AM in the morning in a Las Vegas Hotel the night after my sister's wedding. Well, trust me, religion is a lie! There is no God! It's a fairy tale. We humans are at the center of the universe. And anybody who doesn't think so should be convinced or killed! Why not? The church did it when they tried to suppress Gailieo and Copernicus's scientific discoveries in the 1500s! Now, it's the scientists turn.

Barack Obama is the Greatest Person to Ever Have Lived

So I'm back. I know the entire city of San Francisco appears to have missed me based on the number of replies I have gotten (which is one). Obviously the people of San Francisco have stopped caring about liberalism and are starting to recede back into conservatism. Well, I will have to stop that, even if I have to steal, cheat, and lie in order to promulgate the truth.

So Barack Obama is president. Have you heard the news? This is great. Barack Obama is absolutely the answer to everything we need right now. Some critics have argued that he had his chance in his first term, so why should we give him more time? Well I say, give him all the time he needs!! If he needs a third or a fourth term, then I say that we should re-write the constitution to allow him to serve those terms!! In fact, I think that just before he dies, we should have him cryogenically frozen so that he can be be re-thawed in the year 2500 so that he can serve in the future as well! It is up to Barack Obama alone to fix the United States. Fortunately for us, he is a superior being who was informed by God (who I don't believe in because I am an atheist) through a beam of light that he would be president someday. Do I believe this story? Yes. Do I believe in God? No, not normally, except I do believe that she did exist for one split second only to tell Barack Obama that he would be president before going back into non-existence again. Well, it's true that Barack Obama can work miracles. I read a story about a woman who had cancer went to visit Barack Obama. When she met him, beams of light shined from out of Obama's ass and cured her cancer. I also heard that he will also use beams of light to raise tax rates for the wealthy while increasing spending and still be able to fund all government programs!

Well as always, this is hippie liberal feminist signing off.