Sunday, March 3, 2013

Pepper Spray Got Me Down

The nationwide Occupy protests have slowed down somewhat, but my passion for fighting the dispassionate, immoral, destructive, racist, sexist, homophobic, military-industrialist, capitalist machine has not. The CEOs of all these major corporations are evil, greedy, capitalists who would love nothing more than to enslave the poor working class just so that they can make an extra dollar and buy and peddle influence in Congress in order to further their own agenda. That is why I set a newspaper stand on fire in send a message to those bastards. Hopefully, the CEOs of all those oil companies and banks noticed what I did and thought, "Hmm. Hippie Liberal Feminist just burnt down another newspaper stand. Maybe I should stop my evil ways."

As a radical feminist, I love to demonstrate and protest pretty much anything I can get my hands on. War in Iraq? Protested it. War in Afghanistan? Protested it. NRA? Protested them. War on Drugs? Protested it. War on carpet stains? Protested that too. We are always declaring war on things in this country. We need to stop this madness and find a peaceful resolution to carpet stains.

I took part in the Occupy Davis protests last year. I was one of the victims who was casually sprayed with pepper spray by that cop, who is nothing more than a puppet boy for the cold-hearted capitalist Bush regime. Even though Bush is no longer president, I still blame him for everything that goes wrong.

Well let me tell you that getting sprayed by pepper spray was the worst thing ever! We were persecuted for our beliefs and for who we were! Now I know how Martin Luther King felt when he was sitting in that restaurant in Alabama in 1965!! I was so traumatized by this pepper spraying event that now I can't even look at a pepper shaker without bursting into tears! When I was watching television the other day I saw a performance by the seminal 1990s group Salt-n-Pepa, I began to fear for my life!! My friends say that I have PTSD and that I should sue. So that is what I did! I have deep seated psychological wounds akin to combat veterans that only more money can heal!

I figured that I would call a good lawyer and that we would lowball the suit at first. That is why we sued the University of California at Davis for 4 billion dollars. I figured that the students and I were entitled to monetary compensation for our suffering. Pepper spray in case you don't know is a potent toxin that kills 4 million people in the United States every year. Besides the physical injuries that I sustained, there are deep emotional and psychological injuries as well. I recently learned how to walk again after being paralyzed for 2 weeks. I am also learning how to speak again and learning how to laugh and love again. Pepper spray stopped all that, but I am coming back. I used to spend most of my days crying, vivid memories of students being mildly irritated by that potent toxin seared in my memory. But my friends said, "Be strong like we know you can be! Don't let pepper spray ruin your life!" So now it is so. I'm back, I've regained full use of my legs and I've defeated pepper spray. The cops (all of whom I think should be disarmed) haven't won, but I'll explore that at another time.

Until next time, this is Hippie Liberal Feminist signing off.

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